segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2016

Under 16 Girls Volleyball Tournament at Alphaville School On Saturday, October 29th 
St. Francis 0 x 2 Futuro 
St. Francis 0 x 2 Humboldt 
St. Francis 0 x 2 Alphaville 

sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2016

terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2016


This year's Fun Sports Day was inspiration in Rio's Olympic and Paralympic Games and
PYP 2 to 4 families joined their children to performe a few adapted versions of the games. 
It was a fun packed morning, filled with engaging moments amongst friends and families. The event started with a special warm up to get everyone ready to rotate through the stations and experimence the excitment of each challenge. A stop at the "Fun Sports Cafe" gave families a chance to reflect on this special day as well the Games in Rio.
Fun Sports Day ended with the creation of a collective medal by each group. A time to collaborate and celebrate a memorable day.
Thank you families for your participation and support!


On Sunday, October 23rd, our Under 13 girls Futsal team played the 3rd place match versus Escola Granja Viana.
The girls played very well and got the 3rd place medal in the competition.

Ana Carolina Abdon got a special medal as the best player of the match.
Congratulations Girls!

segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2016


On September 29th, our under 16 girls volleyball team played their last game of the group phase for Liga de Esportes Escolares versus colégio Albert Sabin. 

St. Francis 2 x 0 Albert Sabin

Under 16 Boys Basketball Tournament at Alphaville School on Saturday, October 1st

St. Francis 15  x 18 Humboldt
St. Francis 12 x 16 Alphaville
St. Francis 14 x 16 Escola Suiça